📜Undystopian Manifestos

The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto

Date: 1988

Cypherpunks of the World,

Several of you at the "physical Cypherpunks" gathering yesterday in Silicon Valley requested that more of the material passed out in meetings be available electronically to the entire readership of the Cypherpunks list, spooks, eavesdroppers, and all.

Here's the "Crypto Anarchist Manifesto" I read at the September 1992 founding meeting. It dates back to mid-1988 and was distributed to some like-minded techno-anarchists at the "Crypto '88" conference and then again at the "Hackers Conference" that year. I later gave talks at Hackers on this in 1989 and 1990.

There are a few things I'd change, but for historical reasons I'll just leave it as is. Some of the terms may be unfamiliar to you...I hope the Crypto Glossary I just distributed will help.

Tim May

A Cypherpunk's Manifesto

Date: 1993

Written in 1991 by Eric Hughes, a professor at the University of Berkley, the crypherpunk manifesto was written in the early days of the internet. The cypherpunks were visionaries while their core belief was that the Internet would soon become an important battleground for human freedom. And they were right.

Reading the cypherpunk’s manifesto, a defacto declaration of independence for the right to privacy, it is not hard to understand why it has been a big influence on cryptography in general and Bitcoin in particular.


A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

Date: 1996

The declaration sets out, in sixteen short paragraphs, a rebuttal to government of the Internet by any outside force, specifically the United States. It states that the United States did not have the consent of the governed to apply laws to the Internet, and that the Internet was outside any country's borders. Instead, the Internet was developing its own social contracts to determine how to handle its problems, based on the golden rule. It does this in language evocative of the United States Declaration of Independence and obliquely cites it in its final paragraphs. Although the paper mentions the Telecommunications Act, it also accuses China, Germany, France, Russia, Singapore, and Italy of stifling the Internet.


Guerilla Open Access Manifesto

Date: 2008

The goal of the Open Access movement is to remove barriers and paywalls that may prohibit the general public from accessing scientific research publications. Aaron Swartz, the creator of the Guerilla manifesto, was an activist who fought against the restrictions that were placed on scholarly articles and for the right of all people to have access to scientific research.


The #FreeAI Manifesto

Date: 2018

Multiple artificial intelligences must not be censored or controlled by anybody.


Darkfi manifesto

Date: 2021

LunarDAO manifesto

Date: 2022

Privacy is for the people, to prevent the agents of power from intruding in the innermost parts of our existence. Transparency must apply to those in power, to lay open their machinations and hold them accountable. This includes any government, supranational entity, corporations and conglomerates. Crypto-advocates are being denounced as criminal and terrorist, co-opted, marginalized and violently crushed. The existing establishment only maintains and intensifies our enslavement.

We, the people, must create new worlds to live a free life.


Cyphernox Manifesto

Date: 2023

The Cyphernox Manifesto declares that individual privacy is the ultimate right and seeks to go beyond what cypherpunks imagined. They aim to develop a future civilization based on privacy-backed individualism using technology as a means to upgrade network communications, identity, contracts, and trade to privacyhood.

Dr Maxim Orlovsky