Nym Mixnode Upgrade Instructions

(to get the final command and skip the detailed step-by-step, jump to the end of this page)

Official Nym Documentation on Mixnode Upgrade


Currently Nym team releases the upgrades on a weekly basis on Tuesdays.

The latest releases can be found on their Github

Step-by-step upgrade process

  1. Connect to your mixnode
  2. Go to the location when your binaries are (e.g. /home/user)
  3. Stop the running "nym-mixnode" process
  • service nym-mixnode stop
  1. Download and replace the existing binaries with the newest ones using wgetcommand
  • wget -N https://github.com/nymtech/nym/releases/download/$(curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/nymtech/nym/releases' | sed -n '0,/.*"tag_name": "\(nym-binaries.*\)",/s//\1/p' )/nym-mixnode
  • using wgetcommand will fetch the binaries and replace the existing components, -N option will force the overwrite
  1. (Optional) Run init command to update the configuration files
  • the init command will NOT overwrite your keys
  • ./nym-mixnode init --id <Mixnode ID> --host <Your host IPV4 address> --wallet-address <Your Mixnode Wallet address>
  1. Restart your "nym-mixnode" process
  • service nym-mixnode start
  1. Check that your nym-mixnode process is running as intended
  • systemctl status nym-mixnode.service
  • journalctl -u nym-mixnode -f
  1. Update the version of your binaries also in your configuration file and on the blockchain via the NYM-wallet

Optimized command for an efficient Update

This command will first download the new binaries, store them into a separate file and change the permissions. Then it will stop the "nym-mixnode "process, replace the binaries with the new ones, reinit and restart the "nym-mixnode" process

The fact that the wget download happens before stopping the "nym-mixnode" process will make the process more efficient.

With init

wget -N https://github.com/nymtech/nym/releases/download/$( curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/nymtech/nym/releases' | sed -n '0,/.*"tag_name": "\(nym-binaries.*\)",/s//\1/p' )/nym-mixnode -O nym-mixnode.new && 
chmod u+x nym-mixnode.new && 
service nym-mixnode stop && 
mv nym-mixnode.new nym-mixnode && 
./nym-mixnode init --id <Mixnode ID> --host  <Your host IPV4 address> --wallet-address  <Your Mixnode Wallet address>  && 
service nym-mixnode start

Without init

wget -N https://github.com/nymtech/nym/releases/download/$( curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/nymtech/nym/releases' | sed -n '0,/.*"tag_name": "\(nym-binaries.*\)",/s//\1/p' )/nym-mixnode -O nym-mixnode.new  && 
chmod u+x nym-mixnode.new  && 
service nym-mixnode stop  && 
mv nym-mixnode.new nym-mixnode  &&
service nym-mixnode start