You are warmly welcomed to Pineapple Proxy's home on the web.

Tor version

Let us introduce ourselves: we're a zesty collective of whacky, warm individuals who are passionate about making privacy convenient for everyone, an inalienable human right. We believe in collective intelligence, empathy, and collaboration as the means by which we'll make privacy a meaningful reality. 

Born out of a study group from Nym's Shipyard Academy, we emerged as a cluster of motivated and skilled individuals who see the new internet taking shape. Inspired by a shared vision of future and diverse backgrounds, it feels like we finally have the minds and tools to make this happen. 

We've achieved quite a bit since we started during the final moments of 2022. Wordsmiths have written content for beginners, coders have made useful tools for using the mixnet, avid readers have curated a cypherpunk reading list, and we've had ongoing heartwarming pineapple chats. And we haven't even properly begun yet!

Vibecare is at the heart of our approach. Our projects this year will be about creating unforgettable events, new tools, and content that weave a safer and more inclusive internet together. We are proponents of the "mysterious third thing," a playful take on where we stand around lunarpunk and solarpunk friends.

See, now is not the time to be divisive. We're on a misison to share what we learn with fellow communities; those who orbit the various technologies and ideologies around our digital lives. That's why we're all about pineapples, because nothing is more annoying and harmful than the questions that divide us (ie when we're expected to form an opinion on liking pineapples on our pizza or not). People and our greater world are far more interesting and nuanced than a binary question.

Also, just because we're on a mission doesn't mean we have to be serious. We want to play, we want to make things fun, we want to be our authentic selves. So, will you help us return the flavours back to fellow fruity friends across the world?

Pick your fruit, jump into this collaborative fruit salad, and let's make the internet more tender! 🍍🍓🥝🍇🥥🍋 

We are🍍

  • exploring new ways of hive-like cooperation, and localised network states
  • experimenting with novel ways of empowerment through technologies for communities who need it the most
  • weaving play, light and empathy into our collective narratives
  • building a syndicate of builders of a collaborative future.


  • content, stories and metaphors 
  • accessibilty for masses to new internet technologies
  • shared experiences, language and symbols enabling empowerment and emergence
  • trustless and private tools and solutions for collaboration
  • prototyping tokenised structures of trust 

Hopeful bedtime stories for an adolescent hive-mind.

Manifesting shared dreams that shape our tomorrow. 

We are a community, a syndicate, a decentralised tropical garden party that is driven by collective visions of a future, built on cooperation, empathy, transparency and honesty.

We believe in things that unite us, tools that create equality and new socioeconomic models that are inclusive.  

This is a shared experience beyond our present, conscious horizon: in a place what we reach by learning and growing together.

This is the realm of pineapples.

The  🍍 lore is ever changing. Here is a timeline:

29.11.22 - First PIneapple_NO_Pizzas study group call takes place during Nym shipyard academy

04.12.22 - Pineapple Proxy TG Group starts, Pineapple nym-wiki goes live on notion

17.12.22 - First pineapple spirit animal appears (a cat who likes pineapples)

18.12.22 - "Are we defenders of the freedom of taste? Or are we double agents tracking down the heretics of gastronomy? the question is pending.... mystery.” "our preferences change as soon as someone wants to know”

18.12.22 - First poll on self-definition: 46% Defenders of the freedom of the taste, 23% Double Agents tracking down the heretics of gastronomy, 69% We are the mysterious third thing.

19.12.22 - The time we did not won a Vinge grant do develop a nym proxyfier for discord

19.12.22 - Pineapple Proxy DAO gitlab account launches -

20.12.22 - Who are we? - POLL: 46% Pineapple Proxy DAO, 40% Pineapple Citadel, 26% Pineapple Nymjas, 13% Fruit Nymjas, 6% Pineapple DAO, 26% The mysterious third things, 6% Nymsters, 13% ?!

20.12.22 - "We, the members of the Tropical Fruit Liberation Front, solemnly proclaim our independence and determination as pineapple pizza eaters.” 

20.12.22 - First Pineapeople Cypherpunks arrive from paralell realities (A genesis NFT collection to be made available for future DAO members)

21.12.22 - Our Spirit Animal Guide evolves (from a cat to a cyphercat)

22.12.22 - Pineapple Proxy Twitter goes live -

22.12.22 - Weekly Pineapple Townhall Calls begin - every attendee receives POAP - passing human verification. 🍍 is all about cooperation.

23.12.22 - Pineapple Proxy moves from Notion to Github

05.01.23 - Dear Pineapples: Remember how you once were a tired, paranoid, frantic hacker? Remember the stir of thoughts that pulled you down, the grey skies outside, the worry of all the things around you dissolving? Now, you have awakened to your great, zesty taste. The colour has returned to the skies and the faces around you. All kinds of fruits, cherries and watermelons, grapes and dragonfruit. Wow. The magic of this world wasn't hidden in all the sci-fi you were reading. It was right here, within you, all along. Wake up, dear pineapple, to the magic flavours in you. Though not everyone is a hacker doodle dude like you sweet friend, your gifts are needed in this world. There are all kinds of delicious fruits and critters out there -- your adventure ahead awaits, do it with love and an open heart. 💖✨🍍

07.01.23 - Opened up the open library of Undystopian Alexandria 🍍 As passionate cypherpunks and zesty fruits living in this current, historic age -- we felt compelled to start creating a library of future commons. We believe that through books full of stories and ideas, we can amplify the potential of our shared dreams about a future, where privacy is a fundamental human right. Shared words and vocabulary are the brick and mortar for projects that we might build together. At this point in time, knowledge is scattered and everybody is naturally interested in so many different things. Science-fiction, research papers, and other types of books are a great way to explore different angles that we can take, while leaning into a shared future.

15.01.23 - The collection of undystopian manifestos is online

01.02.23 - Launch of Pineapple Citadelle (a BTC multisig) and Pineapple Express (an EU LLC), to enable both on-chain and FIAT value flows.

Pineapple Proxy is a syndicate of decentralised entities who share members across the board. We are all about cooperation and finding synergies in order to maximise our shared impact.

At this stage of maturity we have semi-formalised governance based on circles of trust, which we'll gradually evolve into a decentralised on-chain model.

First phase of 🍍- Trust based value flows

  • ✅ Pineapple Citadelle - BTC multisig acting as the pineapple foundation. 
  • Responsible for on-chain value flows, grants, contracts and payments
  • ✅ Pineapple Express - A legal wrapper set up as an EU LLC.
  • Responsible for FIAT billing and value flows and old-world payments.

This already enables us to contract for work both with the old and new world. We believe that having both feet on the ground in two realities, this model might be one vessel for resilient, post capitalist ways of working.

Second phase 🍍🍍 - Trustless, on-chain setup - to enable decentralised governance and automated resource allocaiton & payment flows

  • Milestone 1 (Q2 '23): launch off-chain governance and discussion forum on discourse.

    • Achieved in Q1 ✅ - join our off-chain & in-depth discussions at:
  • Milestone 2 (Q2 '23): launch Pineapple Proxy DAO V0.1 on Juno using DAO DAO - Syndicate models.

  • Milestone 3 (Q3 '23): DAO on nyx - A jointly operated nym mixnet gateway, with coconut credential integration, treasury and on-chain goverance solution using anynymous web of trust developed by Entropy.

  • Milestone 4 (Q3 '23): Set up a Wyoming DAO LLC from the nyx DAO multisig - closing the circle both in FIAT and crypto value realms. 

  • Milestone 5 (Q3 '23): Launch shared fedimint gateway

In the meantime we are actively working on DAO proposal structures, researching L1 & L2 privacy enchanced smart-chain based governance solutions, and bitcoin ordinals for BTC governance. 

Funds governance

You can find the related addresses to Pineapple Proxy on below


  • Network: Bitcoin
  • Address: bc1quzd8aae4dkckuynw9dxlww7sjkvqwwza67jd8gse0sgnv43nrlkqm3awn0


  • Network: Bitcoin
  • Address: bc1q0zn26tmxj3z6t45ahwlwm5aua7qyv4ah7fr6vx75a0p9aqmsjypsk40ug0


There are no gates, security or ID check at our decentralised tropical garden party.

Everything is built on trust, mutual respect and YOUR engagement.

Our approach is to keep everything as simple as possible, so it stays inclusive and easy to digest for everyone - regardless of your background and prior experience.

The current PAO🍍 Onboarding ritual

(Feedback & live discussion here:

Stage 1 🍍🌱: Learn, stalk & lurk

Have a look around here on our website to for Pineapple’s ethos, roadmaps, Nym mixnet how-to guides, and cypherpunk reading list

and always feel free to simply chat up someone from the PAO to exchange some ideas around new internet stuff with curious creatures 🦝🦊🐈‍⬛🐕

Stage 2 🍍🧑🏽‍🎤: Say hi at our garden party

  • MISSION 1: Get a 🗺 to the party In order to join our cozy conversation in the PAO Telegram group, your first mission is to look for someone with 🍍emoji and ask for a 🗺 (telegram link) to our garden party.

It's a playful human way of preserving our collective privacy, and making sure bots stay far away from our location

  • MISSION 2: Introduce yourself at a weekly 🍍townhall call and learn about what we’re up to (and also receive your 🍍POAP which gives access to our docs) If something feels like a fit then consider staying and get involved

Stage 3: Get involved

  • Join calls when you can and communicate on channels (whatever fits your style and energy levels - self-awareness is key here)
  • Address topics by co-creating and consenting on agenda items
  • Agenda items fall into three categories: explore, decision, report

To date we have:

  • proactive members who contribute autonomously
  • semi-formalised governance based on circles of trust
  • ongoing calls and communication
  • consent based decision making
  • informal learning sessions
  • initiation NFT for attending first call

Soon to be released:

Trial of our new on-chain governance model involving two different options for 3 month cyclical commitment (social commitment statement coming soon) and proposal/voting process

📜Undystopian Manifestos

The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto

Date: 1988

Cypherpunks of the World,

Several of you at the "physical Cypherpunks" gathering yesterday in Silicon Valley requested that more of the material passed out in meetings be available electronically to the entire readership of the Cypherpunks list, spooks, eavesdroppers, and all.

Here's the "Crypto Anarchist Manifesto" I read at the September 1992 founding meeting. It dates back to mid-1988 and was distributed to some like-minded techno-anarchists at the "Crypto '88" conference and then again at the "Hackers Conference" that year. I later gave talks at Hackers on this in 1989 and 1990.

There are a few things I'd change, but for historical reasons I'll just leave it as is. Some of the terms may be unfamiliar to you...I hope the Crypto Glossary I just distributed will help.

Tim May

A Cypherpunk's Manifesto

Date: 1993

Written in 1991 by Eric Hughes, a professor at the University of Berkley, the crypherpunk manifesto was written in the early days of the internet. The cypherpunks were visionaries while their core belief was that the Internet would soon become an important battleground for human freedom. And they were right.

Reading the cypherpunk’s manifesto, a defacto declaration of independence for the right to privacy, it is not hard to understand why it has been a big influence on cryptography in general and Bitcoin in particular.

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

Date: 1996

The declaration sets out, in sixteen short paragraphs, a rebuttal to government of the Internet by any outside force, specifically the United States. It states that the United States did not have the consent of the governed to apply laws to the Internet, and that the Internet was outside any country's borders. Instead, the Internet was developing its own social contracts to determine how to handle its problems, based on the golden rule. It does this in language evocative of the United States Declaration of Independence and obliquely cites it in its final paragraphs. Although the paper mentions the Telecommunications Act, it also accuses China, Germany, France, Russia, Singapore, and Italy of stifling the Internet.


Guerilla Open Access Manifesto

Date: 2008

The goal of the Open Access movement is to remove barriers and paywalls that may prohibit the general public from accessing scientific research publications. Aaron Swartz, the creator of the Guerilla manifesto, was an activist who fought against the restrictions that were placed on scholarly articles and for the right of all people to have access to scientific research.


The #FreeAI Manifesto

Date: 2018

Multiple artificial intelligences must not be censored or controlled by anybody.

Darkfi manifesto

Date: 2021

LunarDAO manifesto

Date: 2022

Privacy is for the people, to prevent the agents of power from intruding in the innermost parts of our existence. Transparency must apply to those in power, to lay open their machinations and hold them accountable. This includes any government, supranational entity, corporations and conglomerates. Crypto-advocates are being denounced as criminal and terrorist, co-opted, marginalized and violently crushed. The existing establishment only maintains and intensifies our enslavement.

We, the people, must create new worlds to live a free life.


Cyphernox Manifesto

Date: 2023

The Cyphernox Manifesto declares that individual privacy is the ultimate right and seeks to go beyond what cypherpunks imagined. They aim to develop a future civilization based on privacy-backed individualism using technology as a means to upgrade network communications, identity, contracts, and trade to privacyhood.

Dr Maxim Orlovsky

🍍Blog articles & essays

Dignity on the internet as a global citizen

Whether you’re a refugee or were raised by parents who had to flee their home – your experience as a nomad/migrant/third-culture individual has been shaped by the internet in a particular way. Moving across countries and having to grow up or adjust to different cultures; the internet was and still is a vessel to navigate through life, to gain a sense of normalcy and familiarity amongst chaos and change.

As someone treading different physical and digital realities, you’re also aware technology and information is at the core of power dynamics in society.

The trauma of information

Never before have we had so much access to the happenings of our world. During times of hardship we cling to our phones to send photos, voice messages; little signals to let our loved ones know we’re ok. We try to raise our voice to spread love, to spread awareness about what’s going on in parts of the world we care about. Some of us have had to face dire consequences for this, or live in fear of retaliation in the future.

Each signal is a data point, accumulating over time to shape a large collective value of data, coined by Shoshana Zuboff as a behavioral surplus. The value of data is in the collective because it gives new insight into emerging behaviours. The corporations and large actors extracting these big data sets get the first glimpse.

We all find ourselves as exhibitionists on the internet whether we like it or not, because the very architecture of the web prevents our data from being private. The original internet was unencrypted and current privacy technology such as Signal and Tor leak metadata at the network level. Your IP address, timing of messages, hardware, and connection information can be used to discern almost anything. VPNs on the other hand only manage to hide your geolocation, but the rest still remains exposed.

This violation of privacy only exacerbates the trauma of being a minority, further alienating us from the very place where we seek refuge and connection. Our digital and physical rights are still not clear and we face very different consequences depending on the places we have to call home. But technology doesn’t have to destroy human freedom.

Privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age

It helps to understand the world has yet to self-actualise on the internet, we’re still in the very early stages. Maturing as a global society means engaging with new privacy infrastructure and setting new norms. Just as we wear clothes to cover our bodies, our digital behaviour needs to be kept private and trusted with our control.

Nym’s approach is to modify our existing internet in a way which makes privacy more convenient than surveillance. How? By weaving incentive-based scalability into a sustainable network infrastructure with a combination of technologies. From mixnets, which encrypt and mix packets of traffic in multiple layers, to private access credentials and a utility token.

An open society requires tools that scale and fit into existing flows. The mixnet design and tokenomics are carefully designed to increase the privacy and efficiency of the network as more users join. More participants, whether as users or as node operators, create a larger and more diverse anonymity set which sustain large-scale privacy infrastructure as a public good. Hence: privacy loves company.

Living in a post data world

We now have the technology and incentive designs to shape a new pattern of network infrastructure which can sustain itself in our current economic system. You shouldn’t have to live life with the awful notion that some invisible entity is following you, especially if you’ve had to flee home or grow up in different cultures.

Apparently 63% of the world’s population has access to the internet. As more of the global population enters the digital age and as more individuals explore life online, we will have to ensure the privacy standards of this shared infrastructure is sound.

The digital world is a place after all, one that helps us find where we can fit in while we try to navigate and enjoy life. It’s where we want to have fun, connect with people, watch videos, share memes and music. We just just want to live our lives with dignity, in peace.

What happens at the gates, stays at the gates

Welcome to the gateway (⛩️) of the Nym network, your entry into the wider privacy infrastructure, the watchtowers at the edge of the mixnet, the digital post office, or our favourite one…the bouncers guarding the coolest party.

Gateways are the interface which bridge the physical world of users and computers with the digital network. The technical and financial design of gateways in the Nym ecosystem incentivise different actors to enable the best possible privacy as a service for users.

Do you trust us yet? Verify this information @Nym's gateway article or in detail @Nym whitepaper.

All users connect through a ⛩️ to the mixnode of their choosing. The great thing here is that there’s no commitment required. Now, since a user is free to leave at any time, ⛩️’s are incentivised to optimise and improve the quality of their service, and access to privacy. These bouncers only have one goal in mind: to guard your vibes as you traverse the party taking place on the internet. Since we believe in caring for eachother and reciprocity, the ⛩️ gets rewarded from the pool of collected transaction fees. This amount depends on how many users the ⛩️ can keep happily at their party — ultimately, all together enjoying privacy in eachother’s company.

What does a ⛩️ do?

Gateways are responsible for checking if a user has the credentials to use the mixnet (yes, the bouncers are also cashiers). ⛩️ = the only actors whoever check and store your IP and bandwidth credentials (see below), they also shield your IP from everyone else ⛩️ = the guardians of shared privacy, trusted by all nodes to handle their money

What are bandwidth credentials? Bandwidth credentials are a form of anonymous credentials using the decentralised Coconut signature scheme. It proves payment for the mixnet fees in a private manner, essentially moving us away from “who you are” to a privacy-preserving paradigm based on “right to use.”

How do gateways check your bandwidth credentials? ⛩️s are actually smiling social oracles, they query the NYM blockchain to verify if the credentials have yet to be ‘spent’ before moving traffic through to the mixnet.

How does this happen in a private manner?

The Nym client on a user’s device encodes data into Sphinx packets, these are encrypted on multiple layers to make all the packets look the same. Then all the Sphinx packets are sent over a secure channel with end-to-end encryption to your ⛩️. They will forward these packets to the mixnet, made up of mix nodes who anonymously relay these SPhinx packets multiple times. At the other end, another gateway will receive the packets from the mixnet. It’ll remove the last layer of the Sphinx encryption and send the message to its final destination (which could be the service provider or end user). Just to be clear: the gateway doesn’t see any plaintext or data because the content is still end-to-end encrypted by the original sender. It’s only decrypted by the receiving client!

Your very own private delivery person!

What else can gateways do?

If a receiving user is offline when a message arrives, the ⛩️ will store messages for later retrieval. Once the user connects they will receive all their messages. So it’s important for ⛩️ to be online consistently and not running on a mobile phone or a laptop (this is a detail you might want to keep in mind as you start to see how ⛩️ operators start to take shape). ⛩️’s also play an important role in preserving anonymity by sending “dummy packets” - empty packets which make it impossible to distinguish between packets, and thus impossible to track traffic 🤠

Want to run a ⛩️ yourself?

To register and run your own ⛩️, you’ll need to go through a process to ensure that ⛩️ operators can’t be taken over for a Sybil attack. You’ll need to put up a registration deposit, think of it as a locked amount of NYM tokens. These will be unlocked when you unregister the ⛩️. Information about your ⛩️ will be published in the blockchain as a descriptor with keys and address, so that users can interact with you. This familiarity between users and their ⛩️ fosters a long-term relationship and incentivises better services too.

Have any questions about choosing a ⛩️ (or running your own)? Find the people and ask, we’re all learning and building together!

📚Undystopian Alexandria

Welcome to the open library of Undystopian Alexandria, make yourself comfortable here.

As passionate cypherpunks and zesty fruits living in this current, historic age -- we felt compelled to start creating a library of future commons. We believe that through books full of stories and ideas, we can amplify the potential of our shared dreams about a future, where privacy is a fundamental human right. Shared words and vocabulary are the brick and mortar for projects that we might build together.

At this point in time, knowledge is scattered and everybody is naturally interested in so many different things. Science-fiction, research papers, and other types of books are a great way to explore different angles that we can take, while leaning into a shared future.

The collection is modest and we've just taken the first couple of small steps, but we hope you feel inspired to add to this collection too. For the time being we're focusing on cypherpunk and other related topics, which enable social and political change through privacy-enhancing technologies.

For any proposition of new books or broken links, use this form

The library is accessible from pastenym too:

YearAuthorTitle of the BookAnon download link for the book
1865Lewis CarrollAlice's Adventures in WonderlandDownload
1972Michel BakuninBakunin on Anarchy: Selected Works by the Activist-Founder of World AnarchismDownload
1974Ursula K. Le GuinThe DispossessedDownload
1974Robert NozickAnarchy, State and UtopiaDownload
1980Malaclypse The Younger, Omar Khayyam RavenhurstPrincipia Discordia, Or, How I Found Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her: The Magnum Opiate of MalaclypseDownload
1983Hans Widmer (P.M.)Bolo-BoloDownload
1987Peter J. CarollLiber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos MagicDownload
1996Priscilla MurphyChaos Theory as a model for managing issues and crises.Download
2000ShahinNietzche and Anarchy: Psychology for Free Spirits, Ontology for Social WarDownload
2000Robert D. KaplanThe Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold WarDownload
2000Neal StephensonCryptonomiconDownload
2001Peter LudlowCrypto Anarcy, Pirate States & UtopiasDownload
2001Nial FergusonThe Cash Nexus: Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700-2000Download
2003Hakim Bey, Peter Lamborn WilsonT.A.Z. The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic TerrorismDownload
2004The Jolly RogerAnarchist cookbook - 3000pages, complete editionDownload
2005David Jay BrownConversations on the edge of the Apocalypse: contemplating the future with Noam Chomsky, George Carlin, Rupert Sheldrake,Download
2006Eric RasmussenGames and information: an introduction to game theoryDownload
2007J.K PetersenUnderstanding Surveillance Technologies: Spy Devices, Privacy, History & ApplicationsDownload
2007James Ladyman, Don Ross, David Spurrett, Joh CollierEvery Thing Must Go: Metaphysics NaturalizedDownload
2008James GleickChaos: Making a New ScienceDownload
2008Edward S. Herman, Noam ChomskyManufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass MediaDownload
2008Cory DoctorowLittle BrotherDownload
2009Phil HineCondensed Chaos, An Introduction To Chaos MagicDownload
2009George GamowOne Two Three... Infinty. Facts & Speculations in ScienceDownload
2009Grant R. JeffreyShadow Government: How the Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance Against YouDownload
2010Greg Graffin & Steve OlsonAnarchy Evolution: Faith, Science, and Bad Religion in a World Without GodDownload
2010Manuel CastellsThe Rise of the Network Society, With a New Preface: Volume I: The Information Age: Economy, Society, and CultureDownload
2010Manuel CastellsThe Power of Identity: The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture Volume IIDownload
2010Manuel CastellsEnd of Millennium: The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture Volume IIIDownload
2010Lewis CarollThe Complete Alice in Wonderland - Wonderland ImprintsDownload
2011Noam ChomskyChomsky on AnarchismDownload Download (epub)
2012Julian Assange w Jacob Applebaum, Jeremie Zimmerman, Andy Muller MaguhnCypherpunks: freedom and the future of the InternetDownload
2012Daron Acemoglu, James A. RobinsonWhy nations fail: the origins of power, prosperity and povertyDownload
2012David GartmanCulture, Class, and Critical Theory: Between Bourdieu and the Frankfurt SchoolDownload
2012Kevin David MitnickGhost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World s Most Wanted HackerDownload
2013Harry HalpinSocial Semantics: The Search for Meaning on the WebDownload
2014Peter T. LeesonAnarchy Unbound: Why Self-Governance Works Better Than You ThinkDownload
2014Thomas PikettyCapital in the twenty-first centuryDownload
2014Tom Engelhardt, Glenn GreenwaldShadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower WorldDownload
2014Glenn GreenwaldNo Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance StateDownload
2014Phil ChampagneThe Book Of Satoshi: The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi NakamotoDownload
2014Chelsea Manning, Stoeckley, ClarkThe United States Vs. Private Chelsea Manning: A Graphic Account from Inside the CourtroomDownload
2015Edward RoyceClassical Social Theory and Modern Society: Marx, Durkheim, WeberDownload
2015Jun TanimotoFundamentals of evolutionary game theory and its applicationsDownload
2015Marie D Jones, Larry FlaxmanMind wars : a history of mind control, surveillance, and social engineering by the government, media, and secret societiesDownload
2015Schwarz, Frederic August OttoDemocracy in the dark : the seduction of government secrecyDownload
2016Nathan LakewBeing-human in the world of digital artifacts: holistic rethinking of design practicesDownload
2016Sjur MidttunMnemonics Memory Palace. Book One and Two.: The Forgotten Craft of MemorizingDownload
2016Alander Shulgin, Ann ShulginPihkal: A chemical love storyDownload
2016Cixin LiuThe Three-Body Problem I.Download
2016Cixin LiuThe Dark Forest (Remembrance of Earth’s Past) The Three-Body Problem II.Download
2016Cixin LiuDeath’s End - The Three-Body Problem III.Download
2017Jocelyn WillsTug of War: Surveillance Capitalism, Military Contracting, and the Rise of the Security StateDownload
2017Kevin David Mitnick, Robert VamosiThe art of invisibility : the world’s most famous hacker teaches you how to be safe in the age of Big Brother and big dataDownload
2018Nial FergusonThe Square and the Tower: Networks and Power, from the Freemasons to FacebookDownload
2018Yanis Varoufakis, Jacob MoeTalking to My Daughter About the Economy: or, How Capitalism Works--and How It FailsDownload
2018Steven H. StrogatzNonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and EngineeringDownload
2018Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Slstyne, Sangeet Paul ChoudaryPlatform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the EconomyDownload
2018Kai-Fu LeeAI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World OrderDownload
2018Christopher HadnagySocial Engineering: The Science of Human HackingDownload
2018Panagiotis Karampelas, Thiricmachos BourlaiSurveillance in Action: Technologies for Civilian, Military and Cyber SurveillanceDownload
2018Safiedean AmmousThe Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central BankingDownload
2019Jaya Klara BrekkeDissembling The Trust MachineDownload
2019Jeremy Heimans, Henry TimmsNew Power: How Power Works in Our Hyperconnected WorldDownload
2019Edward SnowdenPermanent RecordDownload
2019Wei Qi YanIntroduction to Intelligent Surveillance: Surveillance Data Capture, Transmission, and AnalyticsDownload
2019Marcus J CareyTribe of Hackers: Cybersecurity Advice from the Best Hackers in the WorldDownload
2020Balaji SrinvasanThe Network StateDownload
2022ANONSAgorism Philosophical Journal 1st editionDownload
2023Juraj BednárCypherpunk Visions and Trends 2023 - 2025Download

Links for Nymjas

🌐Nymtech website

📄NYM lite paper

🔭NYM whitepaper

🪙NYM token economics paper

NYM Socials









🔎💯Nym githbub repo

☑️ NYM Mixnet Explorer (OG explorer of the mixnet)

🕉️Mixnet explorer by Nodes Guru - ⚠️ Keep in mind the view this explorer has two sides- one for the mixnet and one for the NYX blockchain ⚠️


💻Services and apps powered by NYM mixnet

☑️Is-NYM-up? - Quick mixnet status checker by NTV.

💬NYM mixnet chat app - demonstrative private p2p chat app built with webassembly.

🕶️Pastenym - anyonymus file sharing - supporting images by No Trust Verify.

👩🏼💻Live mixnet - detailed mixnet dashboard by NTV.

🕉️Node tracker - node checker telegram bot by NG.

🍍Mixnodes ❤️ 🔥


🗨️Secret network ecosystem

💠Universal Privacy Alliance

  • 🗺️privacy tech landscape to browse

Web3privacy landscape now.png

🥐How-to guides

Minymja - NYM token holder

The next level of privacy infrastructure is here: it’s decentralised, scalable and accessible. The time is now - to invest in a safe future for yourself and for the wider collective.

It takes a bit of work (as all good things do), but as recent users we’re super excited to help you spark your first interaction with the NYM token. This will pave the way for you to explore some of the early Nym infrastructure.

Remember — privacy isn’t easy, we live in a very connected, networked world and we’re going to need each other to learn how to properly secure ourselves as things evolve. If you haven’t already, check out the Nym whitepaper for a comprehensive overview.

Ready to get started? Let’s go:

Here's some options:

  • Bity without KYC and native tokens, explained here
  • Kraken with native tokens, explained below Level 1: Get NYM tokens into your own wallet (<5 mins)

Kraken can be used, it integrates directly with NymChain. You can purchase native NYM tokens straight away, instead of the alternative (bridging your NYM tokens through Gravity). In a matter of minutes you’ll be ready with tokens to delegate and bond

  1. Register or login to your account on Kraken

  2. Trade or buy NYM using the currency of your choice. For crypto look for Deposit under the Funding tab, and if you want to use fiat look for the big Buy button.

  3. Calculate how much you’ll need: it’s 100 NYM to bond your own mixnode, about 1-2 NYM to transfer/transact from exchanges and other Nymchain transactions. We recommend at least a minimum amount of 103 NYM.

  4. Download the NYM wallet to set it up. Note: take safety precautions, don’t forget to write up your mnemonic phrase and keep it somewhere very safe. We recommend taking the time you need here to seriously assess your own security strategy, remember: not your keys, not your tokens.

  5. Transfer the shiny new NYM tokens from Kraken to your public NYM address. For some fun, watch how fast it happens live on the chain explorer.

  6. Either delegate your tokens to existing mixnodes (browse the list and find one you like here: or go hard and get ready to bond them to your own mixnode. In this case follow the next guide!

Congratulations, you’re a lvl.1 TINYMJA 🤩

DEX pools and token bridging from ETH to NYM chain - using the cosmos gravity bridge

Recommended for anyone with a bit more experience in DEFI tools - and who’s looking for DEX alternatives to buying tokens CEX-es, or for those who don’t use Kraken but any other CEX that has NYM erc-20 listings

  1. Swap some NYM (erc-20) on Uniswapp.

There are two pools atm:

🔥 If you are an OG DEFI🧙  you can consider supporting the project by providing liquidity in the Uniswapp pools 🫀

♠️ Follow this link for a beginner friendly step-by step guide on how to use the Gravity bridge with Metamask, created by frens at No Trust Verify.

Tinymja - NYM ecosystem supporter

In order to use your NYM tokens, you must acquire some and have your NYM wallet ready. If you haven’t done so, make sure to finish level 1 tasks first.

Level 2 isn’t quite as straightforward as level 1 has been, but rest assured: we’ve all been exactly in your shoes 😉 ****

Time to explore, learn, and share with each other!

We’re super excited by all the details behind Nym’s infrastructure. Keep an eye out for the next piece on our favourite parts about the tokenomics.


⚙️Mixnode how to guides

Nym Mixnode Upgrade Instructions

(to get the final command and skip the detailed step-by-step, jump to the end of this page)

Official Nym Documentation on Mixnode Upgrade


Currently Nym team releases the upgrades on a weekly basis on Tuesdays.

The latest releases can be found on their Github

Step-by-step upgrade process

  1. Connect to your mixnode
  2. Go to the location when your binaries are (e.g. /home/user)
  3. Stop the running "nym-mixnode" process
  • service nym-mixnode stop
  1. Download and replace the existing binaries with the newest ones using wgetcommand
  • wget -N$(curl -s '' | sed -n '0,/.*"tag_name": "\(nym-binaries.*\)",/s//\1/p' )/nym-mixnode
  • using wgetcommand will fetch the binaries and replace the existing components, -N option will force the overwrite
  1. (Optional) Run init command to update the configuration files
  • the init command will NOT overwrite your keys
  • ./nym-mixnode init --id <Mixnode ID> --host <Your host IPV4 address> --wallet-address <Your Mixnode Wallet address>
  1. Restart your "nym-mixnode" process
  • service nym-mixnode start
  1. Check that your nym-mixnode process is running as intended
  • systemctl status nym-mixnode.service
  • journalctl -u nym-mixnode -f
  1. Update the version of your binaries also in your configuration file and on the blockchain via the NYM-wallet

Optimized command for an efficient Update

This command will first download the new binaries, store them into a separate file and change the permissions. Then it will stop the "nym-mixnode "process, replace the binaries with the new ones, reinit and restart the "nym-mixnode" process

The fact that the wget download happens before stopping the "nym-mixnode" process will make the process more efficient.

With init

wget -N$( curl -s '' | sed -n '0,/.*"tag_name": "\(nym-binaries.*\)",/s//\1/p' )/nym-mixnode -O && 
chmod u+x && 
service nym-mixnode stop && 
mv nym-mixnode && 
./nym-mixnode init --id <Mixnode ID> --host  <Your host IPV4 address> --wallet-address  <Your Mixnode Wallet address>  && 
service nym-mixnode start

Without init

wget -N$( curl -s '' | sed -n '0,/.*"tag_name": "\(nym-binaries.*\)",/s//\1/p' )/nym-mixnode -O  && 
chmod u+x  && 
service nym-mixnode stop  && 
mv nym-mixnode  &&
service nym-mixnode start

Nymchuck Norris - NYM mixnode operator (plain code setup)


  1. Create variable wallet= wallet address echo 'export wallet='$wallet >> $HOME/.bash_profile

  2. execute commands

       command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
     if exists curl; then
     echo ''
       sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl -y < "/dev/null"
     if [ -f "$bash_profile" ]; then
         . $HOME/.bash_profile
     sleep 1 && curl -s <> | bash && sleep 1
     if [ ! $node_id ]; then
     read -p "Enter node name: " node_id
     echo 'export node_id='\\"${node_id}\\" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
     echo 'source $HOME/.bashrc' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
     . $HOME/.bash_profile
     echo 'Your node name: ' $node_id
     sudo apt update < "/dev/null"
     sleep 1
     sudo dpkg --configure -a
     sudo apt install ufw make clang pkg-config libssl-dev build-essential git -y -qq < "/dev/null"
     sudo curl <> -sSf | sh -s -- -y
     source $HOME/.cargo/env
     cd $HOME
     rm -rf nym
     git clone <>
     cd nym
     git reset --hard
     git pull
     git checkout nym-binaries-1.1.0
     cargo build -p nym-mixnode --release
     #cargo build --release
     sudo mv target/release/nym-mixnode /usr/local/bin/
     nym-mixnode init --id $node_id --host $(curl --wallet-address $wallet
     sudo ufw allow 1789,1790,8000,22,80,443/tcp
     sed -i.def "s|validator_api_urls.*|validator_api_urls = [\\
             '<'|>" $HOME/.nym/mixnodes/*/config/config.toml
     sudo tee <<EOF >/dev/null /etc/systemd/journald.conf
     sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald
     sudo tee <<EOF >/dev/null /etc/systemd/system/nym-mixnode.service
     Description=Nym Mixnode
     ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/nym-mixnode run --id '$node_id'
     echo "DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535" >> /etc/systemd/system.conf
     sudo systemctl daemon-reload
     sudo systemctl enable nym-mixnode
     sudo systemctl restart nym-mixnode
     echo -e '\\n\\e[42mCheck node status\\e[0m\\n' && sleep 1
     if [[ `service nym-mixnode status | grep active` =~ "running" ]]; then
       echo -e "Your Nym node \\e[32minstalled and works\\e[39m!"
       echo -e "You can check node status by the command \\e[7mservice nym-mixnode status\\e[0m"
       echo -e "Press \\e[7mQ\\e[0m for exit from status menu"
       echo -e "Your Nym node \\e[31mwas not installed correctly\\e[39m, please reinstall."

take the data to fill in the application, open the application, fill in the bonding . $HOME/.bash_profile nym-mixnode node-details --id $node_id

  1. Check mix journalctl -u nym-mixnode -o cat -f | grep "Since startup mixed"

  2. Additionally

    Useful commands Add description to your mixnode (a name that will be displayed in explorer):

    nym-mixnode describe --id $node_id systemctl restart nym-mixnode Check how many blocks your node already mixed:

    journalctl -u nym-mixnode -o cat -f | grep "Since startup mixed" Restart node:

    systemctl restart nym-mixnode Update node

    wget -O && chmod +x && ./ Expand ulimit (important for node's work in the future):

    – one-line option

    wget -O && chmod +x && ./ – manual option

    echo "DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535" >> /etc/systemd/system.conf sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl stop nym-mixnode sudo systemctl start nym-mixnode check, should be ulimit=65535

    grep -i "Max open files" /proc/$(ps -A -o pid,cmd|grep nym-mixnode | grep -v grep |head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')/limits Check ipv6 To see own external ipv6:

    curl && echo Check link with by ipv6:

    ping6 Check if ipv6 exists in network settings of server:

    hostname -I Decription your public keys: Execute commands (snapd on your OS may e installed differently):

    apt install snapd snap install base58 ls -1 $HOME/.nym/mixnodes/*/data/public_identity.pem | while read F; do echo === $F ===; grep -v ^- $F | openssl base64 -A -d | base58; echo; done ls -1 $HOME/.nym/mixnodes/

Nymjackie Chan - NYM mixnode ubuntu server setup


Check IPv6 address is available

Order an additional IPv6 address from your provider before the server setup. To ensure everything is okay view all addresses of your host, should output both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

hostname -I 2a12:e340:2000:7::2

Ping external IPv6 address

ping6 -c 5
PING (2a00:1450:4007:818::200e)) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from (2a00:1450:4007:818::200e): icmp_seq=1 ttl=115 time=72.2 ms
64 bytes from (2a00:1450:4007:818::200e): icmp_seq=2 ttl=115 time=72.1 ms
64 bytes from (2a00:1450:4007:818::200e): icmp_seq=3 ttl=115 time=73.0 ms
64 bytes from (2a00:1450:4007:818::200e): icmp_seq=4 ttl=115 time=72.2 ms
64 bytes from (2a00:1450:4007:818::200e): icmp_seq=5 ttl=115 time=73.3 ms

Add a mixnode user

adduser mixnode

Give ‘sudo’ privileges to a new user

usermod -aG sudo mixnode

Login as a ‘mixnode’ user

su - mixnode

Install necessary software

Update system software

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Install necessary packages

sudo apt-get install pkg-config build-essential libssl-dev curl jq git

Install rust compiler. Get the actual url here

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Log out and log in again to get cargo path available in the current shell

Enable firewall

Install ufw firewall if needed

sudo apt-get install ufw

Enable it and deny everything by default

sudo ufw enable

Allow nym-mixnode ports (1789,1790,8000) and ssh (22)

sudo ufw allow 1789,1790,8000,22/tcp

Check firewall status

sudo ufw status

Build nym-mixnode from sources

Set the actual release version in checkout command

git clone
cd nym
git checkout release/v1.1.3
cargo build --release

Initialize a mixnode

Go to nym-mixnode binary directory

cd target/release

Upload a file named ‘wallet.txt’ with a wallet address inside you want to bond this node, you will use it in the command below. Run a mixnode initialization and save output into ‘bonding.txt’, you will need it to bond your node in the next step.

./nym-mixnode init --id pineapple --host $(curl --wallet-address $(cat wallet.txt) > bonding.txt

The directory ‘~/.nym’ with configs and keys will be created.

Bond your mixnode

Recommended way to bond is via desktop wallet. Open the wallet and press the Bonding menu.

Step 1. Fill all the needed information using bonding.txt in the previous step

Screenshot from 2022-12-18 15-59-02.png

Step 2. Set the ‘Amount’ to bond starting from the 100 NYM and a ‘Profit margin’ (usually 1-10%).

Screenshot from 2022-12-18 16-09-38.png

Run mixnode as a service

A service allows you to run a mixnode in a background and start it automatically after server reboots. Upload a file ‘/etc/systemd/system/nym-mixnode.service’ with a content below

Description=Nym Mixnode (1.1.3)

ExecStart=/home/mixnode/nym/target/release/nym-mixnode run --id pineapple


Start a service

sudo systemctl enable nym-mixnode.service
sudo service nym-mixnode start

Describe a mixnode

Edit a file ‘~/.nym/mixnodes/pineapple/config/description.toml’ to your liking

name = "Pineapple on the pizza"
description = "We, the supporters of pineapple pizza, declare our resistance to all forms of taste oppression. We refuse to be dictated to by arbitrary prejudices and conventional tastes. We believe that everyone has the right to choose what they want to eat, without fear of reprisal or discrimination."
link = ""
location = "Pizza, Atop"

Restart a service to get node description updated

sudo service nym-mixnode restart

Check your node in a explorer, replace %NODE_ID% with your ‘Identity Key’

Verify open files limit

Processes in linux usually have an open files limitation. Check it with a command below

grep -i "open files" /proc/$(ps -A -o pid,cmd|grep nym-mixnode | grep -v grep |head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')/limits

If 65535 in the output, that everything is okay, otherwise go to the next step.

sudo echo DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535 >> /etc/systemd/user.conf
sudo echo DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535 >> /etc/systemd/system.conf

Reboot the server

Check mixnode status

Check if the node is started successfully

sudo journalctl -u nym-mixnode -o cat | grep "Since startup mixed"

Mixed packets should not be zero in the output

2022-12-18T05:23:59.829Z INFO  nym_mixnode::node::node_statistics > Since startup mixed 4271 packets! (0 in last 30 seconds)
2022-12-18T05:24:59.831Z INFO  nym_mixnode::node::node_statistics > Since startup mixed 4271 packets! (0 in last 30 seconds)
2022-12-18T05:25:59.832Z INFO  nym_mixnode::node::node_statistics > Since startup mixed 4283 packets! (12 in last 30 seconds)
2022-12-18T05:26:59.834Z INFO  nym_mixnode::node::node_statistics > Since startup mixed 4283 packets! (0 in last 30 seconds)

Nymjackie Chan - установка миксноды NYM на ubuntu server

Build your own hardware (draft)

Want to build your own rig to run your mixnode, gateway, or blockchain node? Well, I’ve made all the mistakes so that you don’t have to =)

Let's start with debunking some myths:

  • Never buy used computer hardware: It’s true that computer components have a finite lifespan, however, that’s also the reason you’re getting it a very good premium and with the right care and setup most parts can have several years left in them
  • Mining ruins GPUs: everyone trying to sell a used GPU always puts ”never used for mining” in their ads. In reality, GPU mining might have damaged GPUs back in the day but today most software and sites used for GPU mining actually does less damage to your GPU than gaming does. Using a GPU mining OC software and comparing it to gaming OC software will show quite clearly that the temps, clock boost, and frequency are actually way lower when OC: ing your GPU for mining - what matters is how long you have been mining on that particular GPU and your rig setup

Guide to part compatibility and budget allocation:

When deciding to build a rig you have some choices to make, mainly: do you future-proof your rig so that you can upgrade whit better/newer components as you go, or do you go for what gives you the best options today.

Motherboard: often overlooked in most guides, but it’s actually one of, if not the most important component in your new rig - thus also the one that you don’t want to neglect and go for a cheap option. Your motherboard specs are very important and a quality motherboard could give you options for future upgrades and additional components. You want a motherboard that supports the type of CPU that you want(always check the socket and which CPUs fits that specific socket), that can support the Ram, both type(DDR3, DDR4, DDR5) and frequency and you also want enough PCIe x16 slots to fit your needs.

CPU: Also very important! However, this one is something you can usually upgrade as you go if you are on a fixed budget! For example, AMD3 motherboards also support AMD4 CPUs with just a BIOS flash. With a quality motherboard, you can go from a Ryzen 5 to a Ryzen 9 without any problem, your motherboard and RAM are gonna be the bottleneck for your CPU in this case. If you plan on using your CPU for processing like running nodes you also want a CPU without any iGPU that limits your processing power.

Ram: Common mistake is that frequency's the most important thing. Ram can be overclocked as well and getting a good frequency with low latency is a much better option than getting a high frequency with high latency! You also need a motherboard that supports the high frequency of your RAM. Getting a 4000mhz Ram and installing it on a motherboard that doesn’t support that frequency will at best cause instability(even if it supports it in OC). You also need to know that DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, DDR5 can not be used together, your RAM sticks need to have the same DDR number. Using different RAM sticks can also make your system unstable, if your RAM sticks have different frequencies and different CL(latency) your system will automatically set the settings to use the numbers from the ”worst” one and even then the best case scenario is that your system is wasting the high-performance RAM sticks potential because they are paired with lower performance ones. Dual-Channel RAM also gives better performance than single stick so make sure that your RAM and motherboard are both dual-channel(the manual for your motherboard will tell you which lanes to use for dual-channel and for example a pack with 16 Gb(2x8 Gb) 3200 14cl DDR4 ram will say dual-channel somewhere).

GPU: you don’t really need a super good GPU to run a node. They can help with taking some of the workloads of your CPU when you apply settings to use your GPU for certain tasks, but any mid-tier GPU will probably be more than enough.

Fans: Very important! High airflow numbers for fans that suck air in to your case and high numbers for static pressure for fans on CPU coolers or radiators is important to note. You also want balance in airflow through your case(meaning don’t just use fans to suck air in, you also want fans to blow air OUT - preferably you don’t want a big difference in the quality of your fans). Aim for a slightly positive pressure in your case(having a bit more airflow going in than air being pushed out) - having a high negative pressure will make airflow into your case through other openings such as mesh holes PCIe slots, etc. and you don’t have dust filters there so this will have a bad impact on your system.

Case: There are a lot of options, but it all comes down to your preference really. Be Quiet makes noise isolated cases if you want to limit the noise level. These cases tend to have a bad impact on the temperature inside the case though so often a case that offers a lot of space for fans to create good airflow can be better for your system and also keep the noise levels down. Whatever you do though please DO NOT buy a noise-isolated case with A GLAS WINDOW! You take away a big part of the noise isolation with the window and you will still have a negative impact on the temperature inside your case. Focus on space and fan support after that it’s all personal preference.

PSU: not done yet!